Code Us Some Roguelike in Haskell!
I’ve recently been inspired by the great live coding of Sokoban to put together a console and gui-based roguelike in Haskell. There are already some really awesome roguelikes like LambdaHack, Mazes of Monad, and Roguestar (I am sorry if I have forgotten any), but I want to implement my own. We’ll call this little game ‘Thieflike.’
I am assuming basic knowledge of Haskell - I’d say through the Monads chapters in either LYAH or RWH. I may also suggest reading the Monad Transformers chapter in RWH, although we might skip on using a transformer - more about that later.
You need ansi-terminal
for this project, which you should be able to grab with cabal install ansi-terminal
To start this project let’s just get a player character on the screen and get it to move around. We’ll need something to represent the game’s world as well as the hero. For the hero all we need is a tuple of Int
s to represent the position, and the world will be a datatype containing the hero. Let’s start a new file named Main.hs
, which we’ll use to contain all of our code for this portion of the project.
--file: Main.hs
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO
type Coord = (Int, Int)
data World = World { wHero :: Coord }
Now let’s put together a main function and show the character, represented with the traditional ‘@’ symbol.
main = do
setSGR [ SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
, SetColor Foreground Vivid Blue ]
putStrLn "@"
The setSGR
function sets the ANSI Select Graphic Rendition mode, essentially it allows us to do things like set the console foreground and/or background color, the intensity of the color, etc. See the haddock for more info.
This is cool that we’ve started using terminal function, but it doesn’t really do anything. We need to handle input and redraw the screen, so let’s add a data type declaration representing current possible inputs, such as moving the hero around or exiting the game.
data Input = Up
| Down
| Left
| Right
| Exit
deriving (Eq)
Remember when we hid Either in the Prelude module at the beginning of our file? That’s because our possible inputs of Left
and Right
conflicts with Either
’s data constructors.
Now to write the main loop - we need to handle input and redraw the screen. main
must also be rewritten to accommodate changes. We also need to add a few lines to make sure that input and output is not buffered - so the program will accept input without needing the user to press enter, and so that input is not echoed back out.
main = do
hSetEcho stdin False
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
setTitle "Thieflike"
gameLoop $ World (0, 0)
gameLoop world@(World hero) = do
drawHero hero
input <- getInput
case input of
Exit -> return ()
_ -> handleDir world input
drawHero (heroX, heroY) = do
setCursorPosition heroY heroX
setSGR [ SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
, SetColor Foreground Vivid Blue ]
putStr "@"
-- receive a character and return our Input data structure,
-- recursing on invalid input
getInput = do
char <- getChar
case char of
'q' -> return Exit
'w' -> return Up
's' -> return Down
'a' -> return Left
'd' -> return Right
_ -> getInput
-- given a world and a direction, 'adjust' the hero's position, and loop
-- with our updated hero
handleDir w@(World (heroX, heroY)) input = gameLoop $ w { wHero = newCoord }
where newCoord = case input of
Up -> (heroX, heroY - 1)
Down -> (heroX, heroY + 1)
Left -> (heroX - 1, heroY)
Right -> (heroX + 1, heroY)
Now the hero moves around using the good old-fashioned ‘wasd’, and the player may quit by pressing ‘q’. This mostly does what we want - but what if we start pressing ‘a’ or ‘w’ from the starting position? It may appear that the hero is moving in the opposite direction from where we want. To keep this from happening we need to limit the hero’s movement. In fact, let’s keep the hero in between 0 and 80 in all directions. We should also remove the case section out of handleDir
, that way we can apply directions to anything, not just the player.
-- operator to add 2 coordinates together
(|+|) :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord
(|+|) (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
dirToCoord d
| d == Up = (0, -1)
| d == Down = (0, 1)
| d == Left = (-1, 0)
| d == Right = (1, 0)
| otherwise = (0, 0)
-- add the supplied direction to the hero's position, and set that
-- to be the hero's new position, making sure to limit the hero's
-- position between 0 and 80 in either direction
handleDir w@(World hero) input = gameLoop (w { wHero = newCoord })
where newCoord = (newX, newY)
(heroX, heroY) = hero |+| dirToCoord input
hConst i = max 0 (min i 80)
newX = hConst heroX
newY = hConst heroY
Finally, let’s make sure we say goodbye to the player when they press ‘q’,
as well as set the cursor back to being visible:
-- update the game loop to add in the goodbye message
gameLoop world@(World hero) = do
drawHero hero
input <- getInput
case input of
Exit -> handleExit
_ -> handleDir world input
-- when the user wants to exit we give them a thank you
-- message and then reshow the cursor
handleExit = do
setCursorPosition 0 0
putStrLn "Thank you for playing!"
Great, the hero moves around and now we exit a little better than better and we have a goodbye message for the player. This is a small start to our roguelike, but its a good foundation. Next post we’ll work with adding some actual game elements to Thieflike.
The code and an install-able project for this post is located at:
Thank you for reading!